Admissions Marketing and Professional Resources

Why Professionals Use
Go See Campus

Please select your role:
High School College Counselor
Educational Consultant
College Representative

High School College Counselor

As a college counselor, the advice, resources, and support you give students and parents are essential. Most importantly, you assist them in taking ownership of the college search so that the choices they make reflect their individual needs. With Go See Campus, you can provide students and parents with a great tool in the college search at no cost. The website is completely free to them and to you, and it offers a variety of features:

College trip plannerSearch for Colleges: Find schools by size, location, majors, and more.

College Trip Planner: Connect to tours, download campus maps, make travel arrangements, and find nearby restaurants.

Advice Articles: Cover topics from how to prepare for an admissions interview to what to ask during a tour.

GSC Community: Ask and answer college questions and get campus visit reports and university reviews.

Share Go See Campus with Students and Parents

Go See Campus shares exclusive content with high school counselors through e-newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Sign up to receive details about new website tools and other college information you can pass along.

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Go See Campus: Plan campus visits online and make the most of the college search. The website’s College Trip Planner lets you search for colleges, create a schedule for your visits, and connect to school resources and activities, like campus tours, information sessions, school maps, and parking details. The result: a complete college trip plan you can take on the road. Go See Campus also offers college advice, campus visit reports, an interactive community, and university reviews. For more information, visit, and get exclusive content and updates through Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

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Educational Consultant

Benefits to Educational Consultants
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Watch an Overview of Go See Campus for Educational Consultants

Benefits to Educational Consultants

Go See Campus offers a variety of benefits to educational consultants, including campus maps, point-to-point directions, and recommendations on nearby restaurants. Which best describes you?

You plan college trips for your clients. With Go See Campus, you can manage trip details all in one place. An intuitive design helps you find the information you want, make changes to plans quickly and easily, and then deliver them to your clients.

You advise clients on the campus visits that they are planning themselves. Suggest to your students and parents that they create their own trip plans at Go See Campus, and then provide feedback on these plans.

College trip planner

You do not take part in planning college trips. Fortunately, you can still recommend Go See Campus to students and parents as a free, valuable resource for their search.

Of special interest to educational consultants is the Go See Campus Community. There, students and parents interact with other members of the website. They can post and respond to questions, university reviews, and campus visit reviews. As an educational consultant, you can engage this community with your knowledge and expertise.

Share Go See Campus with Your Clients

Go See Campus shares exclusive content with educational consultants through e-newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Sign up to receive details about new website tools and other college information you can pass on to clients.

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Copy and email the brief summary here:

Go See Campus: Plan campus visits online and make the most of the college search. The website’s College Trip Planner lets you search for colleges, create a schedule for your visits, and connect to school resources and activities, like campus tours, information sessions, school maps, and parking details. The result: a complete college trip plan you can take on the road. Go See Campus also offers college advice, campus visit reports, an interactive community, and university reviews. For more information, visit, and get exclusive content and updates through Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Watch an Overview of Go See Campus for Educational Consultants

If you want a more thorough walk-through of Go See Campus, take a look at this video. We recommend viewing it in full-screen mode, which you can activate at the bottom-right.

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College Representative

Go See Campus is a free resource for college representatives. It is especially useful to those interested in admissions marketing and who want insights into their universities' programs.

College trip planner

You can ensure that high school students and parents know about your admissions programs through our College Trip Planner. We make it easier for them to visit your campus, and we educate them about the admissions activities you host. This includes campus tours, information sessions, overnight events, Open House events, and more. We can always add other programs you offer. Just get in touch with us.

Another way to help market your school is with the Go See Campus Community. There, we collect college trip reviews from high school students, parents, and others who have visited your campus as part of the college search. Knowing which activities and events were most influential in the student's decision can help augment your admissions programs. Also, you can read university reviews by current college students and alumni to understand better how they see your school.

Update Your School's Information

You can change your school's profile data, admissions activities, and the image that appears when students view it on Go See Campus. Update information here.

Get the Latest Tools from Go See Campus

Soon, we will launch features to give college representatives more detailed insights about college visits and new ways to connect to their audience. Learn when these features become available and get other exclusive content through one of the below.

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Thank you for helping students and parents fulfill their search for the right college.

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